Top 4 Plant Types to Use In Living Walls

The most interesting part of the Living Plant Wall is….drumroll….the plants! There is no scientific doubt about the innate connection between us humans and mother nature. Indoor plants are our quickest way of maintaining that connection in our offices, homes, and shared spaces.

Without further ado, let’s go over the best types of plants for Living Walls (indoors), and feel free to sign up for our newsletter to get notified when we drop our Outdoor plants list.

#1. Pothos

pothos plant closeup - plant types to use in living walls
Photo by Afif Kusuma: Profile
One of the most popular plants and for good reason! These beauties thrive with minimal care, in bright, indirect and low light and come in several varieties. Pothos are sensitive to overwatering, yellowing leaves meaning too much water and browning leaves meaning not enough light. 

It even has a few nicknames: hunter’s robe, arum ivy, money plant, and taro vine. It has even been called “the Devil’s Ivy” because it’s hard-to-kill and can become invasive in nature. [1] The varieties we provide are:
  • Golden
  • Neon
  • N’Joy
  • Jade
  • Marble Queen
  • Silver Satin

#2. Philodendron

philodendron leaf
Photo by D. Pham: Profile
The name Philodendron is a compilation of the Greek words “Philo” (Love) and “Dendron”(Tree). [2] They thrive year round indoors, and like the Pothos, are easy to care for. This naturally makes them excellent candidates for indoor vertical gardens. Like the Pothos, Philodendrons need minimal watering. The varieties we offer are:
  • Congo
  • Brasil Cordatum
  • Birkin
  • Monstera

#3. Dracaena

dracaena striped leaves closeup
Photo by Teona Swift: Profile

Another plant with a Greek name, this one meaning “Female Dragon”. This name comes from the resin inside of its stem, a reddish gum-like substance, said to resemble the blood of a dragon. It was actually used for medicines, dyes and toothpaste, although its modern uses are more limited. [3] This plant does not need constant watering (seeing the trend here?) but soil moisture is important. Our POD Living Wall system makes these conditions possible. Here is our selection of Dracaena varieties:

  • Jade Jewel
  • Janet Craig
  • Janet Craig Compacta
  • Warneckii Lemon Lime
  • Limelight
  • Carmen

#4. Aglaonema

aglaonema leaves with pink tint
Photo by Ankit Bhattacharjee: Profile
Also known as the Chinese Evergreen, this variety can bring in a nice punch of color to Living Plant Walls. There are many varieties of this plant that have colorful, variegated, spotted and gradient patterns as well as all green ones. It also communicates quite noticeably by its appearance if it’s being under/over watered or needs more light.

Like all the other plants on this list, it thrives in most environments. Our selection of this plant are:
  • Valentine
  • Emerald Beauty
  • Slam
  • Silver Bay

#6. A Few Other Excellent Plants

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While the five plants we listed so far really are the top choices, we have a many others that make a big impact and thrive indoors. You may be seeing the common thread with all of the above (and below) plants: they thrive in a range of lighting, don’t need constant watering, and add the lush beauty that creates the very need for Living Walls in the first place. 
  • Spathiphyllum Pablo
  • Nepthytis
  • Spider Plant Green
  • Spider Plant Variegated
  • Croton Gold Dust
  • Croton Petra
  • Hedera English Ivy
  • Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)


Q: How do I choose plants for my wall?

A: When you work with a Green Wall provider, they should walk you through a process similar to:

-Availabe lighting and air flow in the desired space and recommending plants based on those factors

– Discussing plant availability

-Reviewing any inspirational imagery for desired effect

Q: How do I take care of the wall?

A: Unless you are a plant care expert, have the time to do it, or have an automatic irrigation system installed, this should fall to an indoor plant service provider. They not only water the plants, but understand the signs of struggling plants, handle replacements, etc.