Green Oasis Buy or Lease Office Plants blog header

Should I Buy or Lease Office Plants?

Should I Buy or Lease Office Plants? [Article]

Get the information you need to make the best decision for your business

buy or lease office plants
Are you considering improving your interior space with Live Plants? When shopping, you will find that there are two popular options available when paying for the plants:
  • the option for direct purchase
  • the option to lease the plants and planters. 

    At Green Oasis we have been helping companies with live interior plants since 2008 and are here to share what we have learned over the years. 

    In this article, you will learn the differences between the purchase option and the lease option. Then we discuss the situations where one option works better than the other.

    This article is written based on the assumption that you will be using a professional plant maintenance service. If you are only looking to add plants that you and your team will maintain then the answer is simple – the purchase option is best for you
  • GO Moss Live Walls Plants2

    With both the interior plant purchase option, the charges will be broken down into 3 segments:
  • the cost of the plants and planters,
  • the cost of the installation,
  • and finally, the cost of the ongoing maintenance service.

    With the lease option, the 1st segment (cost of plants and planters) is rolled into a smaller monthly lease charge avoiding a large, up-front cost. Also with leasing, the ongoing maintenance service is a requirement and is rolled into the monthly lease charge
  • RPH Plants Planters Entrance
    1. LEASING

    This is probably the number one reason people choose the lease option: If your cap-ex budget is limited, or company policy discourages tying up capital, a lease just simply rolls that up-front cost into a smaller monthly charge. 

    Leasing is also an option if you don’t think you’ll need the plants for an extended length of time. If you like to change up the design from time to time or are moving, when the lease is up you can return the plants and create a new design.

    Interior plant leases are typically two-year agreements but can be extended to 3 years to reduce the monthly costs.  Some companies, like Green Oasis, do offer month-to-month plant leases of our line of standard planters although this is not as common.
    GO Moss Live Walls Plants office
    2. Purchase

    The purchase option is perfect In situations where the startup capital is available and you plan to keep the same design for more than eighteen months.
    Purchasing is almost always the lower-cost option which is likely the number one reason clients choose it.

    Owning also does give you a little more control, if your maintenance service provider isn’t performing to expectation it is a little easier to switch service companies as there is no removal/ installation process like there would be on a lease.

    Many ask if the maintenance guarantee is the same for plant leasing and purchasing – this is an important question that varies from company to company. Be sure to ask the firms you are considering, not all companies have the same guarantee in their contract.

    Typically, the level of service of a guaranteed plant maintenance service plan is the same whether you own the plants or lease them but should be confirmed before signing any agreement.
    indoor plant service
    GUARANTEE We strongly recommend having a full guarantee for the replacement of any plant that becomes unsightly at no cost to you. This will eliminate surprise charges for replacements etc.

    Usually, there are a few clauses that void this guarantee, such as excessive low or high building temperatures, vandalism, plants being moved without notifying the service provider, and persons other than the service provider watering the plants.

    Hopefully, you find this helpful. We have made every effort to be transparent and make this useful for you – if you have any further questions feel free to reach out to us, we would enjoy helping you any way we can. To get a quote to add plants to your space click on the button below.
    indoor plant service
    Before concluding I wanted to give a shameless plug for including plants in your interior spaces. In America, we are now the indoor generation, spending over 90% of our time indoors. There are many positive benefits to being in touch with nature and far outweigh the costs.

    Interior Plants are also often one of the most cost-effective components in making a space a place where employees and visitors enjoy spending time.

    While we recommend getting an exact quote, we do also have an interesting article on the cost of an interior plant service [Link] that you might find helpful as well.
    Thank you for your interest, I truly hope that whichever way is best for you, leasing or buying, you too get to enjoy the benefits of including gliving, breathing plants in your space!

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